Hello Internet!
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone that wished me happy birthday. On May 30, 2016, I celebrated my 27th birthday in London, England. I am another year older, wiser, and definitely stronger. I made a promise to myself on my 21st birthday, to always continue celebrating my birthday in a different city every year. I have kept my promise to myself so far.
21 – Hollywood, CA, USA
22 – Las Vegas, NV, USA
23 – Prague, Czech Republic
24 – Lugano, Switzerland
25 – New York City, NY, USA
26 – Berlin, Germany
27 – London, England
28 – ???
I am a big believer in the importance of birthdays. I believe that every year your birthday should be celebrated with enthusiasm and excitement because it is the day you decided to grace the world with your presence. The world has never been the same since you came into it, so we should all take a moment to appreciate that. I have had the privilege of continuing to celebrate my birthday in a new city every year and every year I like to reflect back on how much my life has changed since my last birthday. I treat birthdays like new years’, but as a new year of me. This last year I moved countries, started a new job, and traveled to numerous new countries. Looking back at everything I accomplished I feel extremely proud of myself. As a society we get so caught up in comparing our lives to others, especially thanks to social media, we forget to take a moment and appreciate everything we have accomplished ourselves. You are not the only one guilty of comparing yourself, I am guilty of it as well. Leading up to my birthday I was freaking out about turning another year older and still being single while all my friends are in long term relationships, engaged, married, and have kids. I am very guilty of being tough on myself for not having what my friends have, but I have to constantly remind myself that I am experience something totally different and my accomplishments are just as important than getting married and having kids.
I am sure every single woman approaching 30 feels the same stress as I do. Our biological clock keeps ticking and it gets louder and louder every year. We are all worried that we are doomed to be single forever. I have to remind myself that this just isn’t true. My prince charming will come along some day and sweep me off my feet. I am a hopeless romantic so I will keep believing this forever. It just gets hard when a birthday comes around and I am reminded that I am not only turning a year older, but I am also doing it alone. Reflecting back on my years of thinking like this has made me come to the conclusion that I am single, independent, and stronger than I could ever imagine thanks to my life experiences. I took a moment to reflect this year on how my accomplishments and life experience are much more important that having a significant other. I am proud of everything I have accomplished so far and so excited to see what life has in store for me in this next year. At the start of 2016 I started to tell myself that this year would be the year of me and now on my birthday I believe this more than ever. I will focus on my dreams, passions, and always remember to show myself self-love. Your relationship with yourself set the tone for every other relationship in your life. I am ready to focus on my relationship with me. #YearOfMe
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